A documentary about the Occupation, as seen through the eyes of occupiers. Five countries from within the Warsaw Pact occupied Czechoslovakia in 1968. 50 years later, 5 directors from these 5 countries are going to shoot 5 short films about the invasion from the perspectives of people who played the part of occupiers.

Director: Evdokia Moskvina, Linda Dombrovszky, Maria Elisa Scheidt, Magda Szymkow, Stephan Komandarev
Story: Svetlana Lazarova
Screenplay: Evdokia Moskvina, Linda Dombrovszky, Maria Elisa Scheidt, Magda Szymkow, Stephan Komandarev
DOP: Jakub Halousek, Ákos Nyoszoli, Zuzanna Kernbach, Vesselin Hristov, Moritz Tessendorf
Editors: Matej Beneš, Levente Pap, Iza Pająk, Nina Altaparmakova, Denize Galiao
Sound: Richard Müller
Producer: Peter Kerekes